Customer portal dashboard image Customer portal reporting image Customer portal presentation image
Customer Portal

The customer portal was needed as the company was adding more services to supliment their growing array of SAS products. The customer portal was a single point of information and additional reporting and servies bridging the gap between the legacy Windows application and the new web-based software being developed.

The initial concept and functionality was deveolped by me. The project was passed on to another developer who incorporated a front-end tempate. I continued to add funcionality and logic to the back-end systems as new features were added.

Originaly written using functional PHP. With the help of 2 interns I converted the project to Laravel. To date the Laravel vershion has not been put into production. This project has also been handed off to another team to continue.

  • Client

    Newtech Dealer Services

  • Developed using:

    PHP, HTML, CSS, jQuery, MySQL, Couchbase

  • Inital Build
  • Developed using:

    PHP, HTML, CSS, Laravel, Vue.js, React, MySQL, Couchbase